Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Tonight I made Shepherd's Pie and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Believe it or not, with the exception of 61 cents I spent on a potato and an onion, this meal was made of leftovers galore. I combined a recipe from AllRecipes and a recipe from a Williams Sonoma cookbook to use what I had on hand. The beef is topped with a layer of mashed carrots followed by a layer of cheesy mashed potatoes and a sprinkle of paprika. It feels good to receive a positive review. Hooray! :)
p.s. I know I should have blanched the peas to prevent wrinkling but I was lazy.
um, yum! And you are worried about your wrinkled peas? You are seriously a 100x better of a chef then you give yourself credit for. I think you can rival Jeanette as the top chef of the Kunz family, ah ha ha ha (did you hear that Jeanette? ;) ) I'm glad you all enjoyed it!