Moving on...
Dinner was delicious. I made Giada's Marinara Sauce (per Becca's suggestion), with spaghetti, chicken, and broccoli. Becca was right. This sauce is perfect in every way. Like Becca, I found myself eating it all by itself. The recipe is so simple, it surprised me that it was so good. It was way better than spaghetti sauce.
I decided I better cook some form of meat with this meal, or it might not be considered a meal. The chicken was good, but could have used a little improvement. I split a chicken breast in half horizontally and planned on pounding it thin, but forgot. I dipped the halves in flour, egg, and a mixture of bread crumbs, garlic powder, salt and pepper before frying it on the stove. If anyone has any suggestions on a better way to do chicken or a different meat to add, please share.

Thank you so much Becca. Your suggestion was fantastic. I will definitely be making Giada's Marinara Sauce again in the future.
Woo hoo! It's a winner!
Looks very tasty! Love the first photo...I don't look that good fully awake.