This recipe really pushed my comfort zone. First because I had to make a roasted garlic puree and second because this was my first time cooking with wine. It was delicious and kind of elegant. Definitely different from anything I have cooked before.
An extra perk was I got to cut the steak with my electric knife. I always take advantage of an opportunity to use that fun gadget. It is my one power tool.

Dinner was followed by these incredible chocolate chip cookies made with butter. They are the best!

Monday was Chicken Chimichangas. When I began to eat this Chimichanga my mind began to race ecstatically because I couldn't believe I made this. It has a light and crispy shell and perfection on the inside. I really thought it was going to be a home run, but alas, I was alone in my excitement.

I finished making the cookies and brought some to Clare.

Tuesday I was feeling discouraged. Leftovers were great.
Wednesday we went to Chipotle in Bountiful for our Wednesday night date following Eric's evening class.

Thursday an agreement was reached that I would just cook twice a week. Hence, the Chamber was abridged to eliminate the torture.
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