Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy 4th Anniversary

It doesn't feel like 4 years, but sure enough, we had our 4th Anniversary this week. To celebrate we went to 21 Oceanfront in Newport Beach. We thought it was fine but not worth a repeat. The company was the best part.

I asked E to take my picture before we went. This dress is new and I like it. We seem to be struggling to get a good photo out of our camera lately. I don't know what has happened to it.

It was a great weekend. I'm looking forward to celebrating year after year.


  1. Congratulations! I am glad you got to go rockclimbing that looks like fun! We are going to do that on our date on Thursday, I am looking forward to it. You look so pretty, Charlynn, even with your hair back for working out you look stunning. :) That's probably why the guys were uncomfortable taking your photo. :)

  2. Happy (much belated) anniversary!
