Chandler came over and helped me download the photos I took with my phone, so here is a little catch up.
Last weekend we took advantage of the generous gift James offered and had a free dinner at Red Robin. It was delicious.

I spent three days in the Orange County courthouse this week arguing motions on different cases. By the third day, I figured I should post a photo of my stomping grounds.
As much as I dislike the stress that goes with a court appearance, there is oddly something I like about it. I'm not sure what it is; maybe just feeling like I have a skill and I am needed.

Then Saturday arrived. I said a prayer the night before asking Heavenly Father to make it a really long day because I just wanted to have a nice day to enjoy.
Sure enough, I woke up super early and was on the bike trail by 6 a.m. I love the 6 a.m. crowd. They are my kind of athletes.

I was still feeling good after my ride and I missed lifting weights on Thursday, so I headed over to the gym.
I threw my swimsuit in my gym bag just in case I felt inspired to swim some laps. Inspiration hit me and I had this whole pool to myself for a good hour. It was extremely peaceful. After I finished my laps, I didn't want to get out and played like a kid doing hand stands and flips.

I eventually got out and started to work on my "to do" list for the day. This sign reads, "Happiness is a Clean Car (with foam wax)" It makes me laugh.

After I got a few things done, we went out to dinner at Lucille's BBQ.

I apologize for making this such a long post. If you are still reading, I just wanted to share that I am oddly happy. When I was a teenager, I had everything planned in my life. I thought I was in control, and I've learned through experience, that no matter how much I try to take charge of my life and make things happen the way I think they should be, I am not in control. God is in control. I'm sure most people look at my life and think my life is a little odd. They are right. It is, but that's okay because my life is just the way he wants it to be. Even though it may be odd, I am happy.

I hope that wasn't too deep to share here. Thanks for being my friend.