I climbed the wall at the gym tonight. I asked the guy belaying to take my photo, but he kindly declined. Since there was a bunch of guys just watching me climb, I hoped one would be willing to take my photo while I climbed the wall, but no such luck.

After I made it to the top and back, he finally agreed to take my photo. Once he put my camera in his hands, I realized why he was so hesitant. Photography isn't his natural talent. It took him about six shots to get the one below. I felt bad I ever asked.

It was fun to do something different and surprisingly much easier than I expected. They commented about how fast I did it and gave me high-5s after I came back down.
As a side note, when I look at this photo, I think I look terrible. I have a huge forehead with gigantic line down the middle. I've been thinking about cutting my hair short again, but I'm not confident it will be an improvement. Enough vanity. :)