I spent most of last week monitoring a trial in this Federal Courthouse in old downtown Santa Ana. This building is about ten years old. Everything about it was done with the best of the best. It is absolutely gorgeous. The only thing I can compare it to is it feels like being inside the San Diego temple but it is 20 times bigger.

I couldn't find a photo of the interior of a courtroom. This is a hallway outside of the courtrooms. The building has gigantic ceilings that have a circular lighting design. The courtrooms have a giant gold seal behind the judge on a white granite wall as well as royal blue carpet with the golden eagle and gold stars, and gorgeous dark wood.

This photo makes it look like it has brown tones, but it doesn't. All of the walls and floors are made out of a white stone. (marble?)
I have felt spoiled to be able to enjoy this building during the week and I'm looking forward to one more week of trial.